D i g i t a l _ E a r t h
Evaluation of Success
In WP4, an evaluation framework was developed for
- assessing the performance of new data science methods in SMART Monitoring and data exploration,
- assessing the added value of applying these new data science methods in Earth System science for creating new scientific knowledge (-> Show Cases).
Tasks within WP4:
- Task 4.1 Requirement identification for scientific use and evaluation criteria definition [HZG, AWI, FZJ, GEOMAR, GFZ, HMGU, KIT, UFZ]
- Task 4.2 Usability assessment of workflows, methods, and software [HZG, AWI, FZJ, GEOMAR, GFZ, HMGU, KIT, UFZ]
- Task 4.3 Assessing the success of the project for gaining new scientific insight [KIT, AWI, FZJ, GEOMAR, HMGU, HZG, GFZ, UFZ]