SMART Monitoring
First of all, what does SMART mean in this context? SMART stands for measured data and their values need to be Specific, Measurable, Accepted, Relevant, and Trackable (SMART) for a sustainable use as data.
One major challenge in the Observations and monitoring of Earth systems across compartments is the trade-off between intended spatial coverage (e.g. regional scale) and resolution. Indirect measurements and the use of proxies might overcome some of the problems detailed within the Show Cases but often suffer from site specific suitability. In WP1 we therefore aim to explore and develop suitable frameworks for selecting and further developing appropriate tools and put them in an adaptable scientific workflow (see WP2) by combining methods and tools for ground-truthing of proxies and for the investigation of Earth (Sub)-Systems.
The basic approach of the hierarchic concept consists of combing of methods of different spatial and temporal resolutions a) for an adaptive monitoring of selected areas b).
Monitoring ideas have been investigated on national, European and international levels for decades in various projects which, however, mainly focus(ed) on specific compartments (e.g. ESONET, EMSO, FIXO3, COSYNA, FRAM, IAGOS, or Oceans 2.0 from Ocean Networks Canada) and/or science discipline - or technology-specific efforts. Only few are designed to function across compartments such as e.g. ENVRI+, ICOS, TERENO. The concept of Digital Earth is to make monitoring designs and sensor layouts smarter.
We propose an integrative hierarchic monitoring concept with a multidisciplinary approach using methods and technologies from different disciplines, which will be either combined or used complementary.