D i g i t a l _ E a r t h
Podcast "Modellansatz": Digital Earth Member at KIT provides insights about global atmospheric modelling activities with respect to Methane

Jennifer Schröter and Christian Scharun from KIT got the invitation to talk on the podcast „Modellansatz“ of the Department of Mathematics of KIT.
This podcast deals with recent modelling activities and strategies for the global atmospheric model ICON-ART. Together with Gudrun Thäter they discuss challenges when it comes to modelling the greenhouse gase methane, in particular.
The modelling activities are carried out in the scope of the Helmholtz Advanced Earth System Modelling Capacity (ESM) and Digital Earth (DE) project.
This podcast and further information are only available in German. www.math.kit.edu/ianm4/seite/ma-methan/de
Figure Copyright: Visualisation: C. Scharun (KIT), Composition: S. Ritterbusch (KIT)