D i g i t a l _ E a r t h

We are delighted to invite young researchers across the Helmholtz Association to apply for H³ Helmholtz Herbst Hackathon 2021 starting September 8 to 12 2021, in Gummersbach. The event is scheduled for 4 days as an on-site in person event.

Call for Applications

We encourage Master’s Students, Doctoral Researchers & Postdocs interested in Machine Learning (ML) to apply. The hackathon offers a great opportunity to get to know ML researchers from different research domains, Helmholtz centers, and partner institutions, their research questions and ML methods. In preparation to the hackathon an introduction on running ML models on Jülich Supercomputers will be provided.

Taking part can be a great first step in bringing your favorite research topic to the fastest computer in Europe and allows you to contribute your ML expertise to other domains and applications.