D i g i t a l _ E a r t h
Digital Earth Members at the ENVRI Conference and Training School in Tromsø, Norway

From 28-31 January 2019 Viktoria Wichert (HZG) and Christian Scharun (KIT) participated in a training school and conference on Time Series Analysis in Tromso, Norway.
Both presented a poster related to the topics of Digital Earth, established new contacts and improved their skills on Time Series Analysis which will be very helpful for the Digital Earth Community."
Modelling of the influence of methane emissions in the North Sea region with ICON-ART. Scharun, C, Ruhnke, R, Guggenberger, H, Schröter, J, Weimer, M, Braesicke, P 2019
Time series in the Digital Earth Project. Wichert, V 2019