What Are 50 Scientists Doing at the Czech Outback?

From 20 to 24 May 2019 more than 50 scientists met in Novy Kostel, Czech republic to present first results and share new findings with the Digital Earth community after one year of project.
The meeting provided breakout sessions of the different work packages, seed groups and show cases. Furthermore, key notes on topics such as Machine Learning, Uncertainty Assessment in Geosciences and Inter- and transdisciplinary Research were given. Colleagues from the UFZ organized an excursion to the Eger Graben, where naturally CO2 leakage occurs due to seismically activities that are caused by progressively increasing mantle derived CO2 degassing at mineral springs and gas seeps, which are called mofettes (e.g. Bräuer et al. 2011). Another focus of the meeting in Novy Kostel was the selection of the Bridging Postdoc candidates. 11 candidates were invited to present themselves, their projects and how Digital Earth will benefit from their research. Six candidates have been selected with the first starting already in July, 2019. Welcome to Digital Earth! This meeting was an important milestone in merging the natural and data science communities to work toward a shared/common goal. It will further further foster the cooperation between the Helmholtz Centres and beyond.
“We did important progress in understanding different disciplinary perspectives, strongly supported by in depth discussions during well prepared sessions as well as during joint meals in a wonderful environment!”.