P r o j e c t _ N e w s

Digital Earth Book Released

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Apply now - H3 Helmholtz Herbst Hackathon

We are delighted to invite young researchers across the Helmholtz Association to apply for H³ Helmholtz Herbst Hackathon 2021 starting September 8 to 12 2021, in Gummersbach. The event is scheduled for 4 days as an on-site in person event.

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Great Recognition for Digital Earth

A further success for Digital Earth: Christian Scharun/ KIT has won the prestigious Falling Walls Lab prize in Karlsruhe!

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Methan aus der Nordsee - Ein Fall für EDGAR und WALLACE

On Wednesday 3 March at 7 pm, Christian Scharun (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) will give a public talk (online, in German language) about hin work in Digital Earth.

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Digitalgipfel 2020

Since 2016, the Digital Summit has been held annually by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. It serves as a central platform for shaping digitization and the digital transformation of business, government and society in the Federal Republic of Germany. This year, the focus was on digitization and the sustainable development. Digital Earth was invited to present four virtual stories.

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HIDA DATATHON for Grand Challenges on Climate Change

Successful participation of Digital Earth at the HIDA DATATHON for Grand Challenges on Climate Change.

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Bridging Industry and Research

Jens Greinert (GEOMAR) took part in a panel discussion on „Digitization of the Oceans: industrial data collection for Ocean Sciences“, which have been conducted in the framework of the „2nd Digital Week Kiel“.

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Digital Leader Award 2020 - Digital Earth Among the Winners

Digital Earth is very proud and honoured to announce that the project was awarded a special first-time prize for „Digital Science“ at the „Digital Leader Awards“ in the category „Society“.

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MOSES and Digital Earth - a Synthesis for Efficient Measurement Campaigns and valuable data

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Digital Earth Nominated as Finalist for Digital Leader Award 2020

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Digital Earth 2nd Annual Meeting 2020 - The Report

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Digital Earth Annual Report 2019

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ESM Summer School

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Digital Earth on RV Alkor

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What Are 50 Scientists Doing at the Czech Outback?

From 20 to 24 May 2019 more than 50 scientists met in Novy Kostel, Czech republic to present first results and share new findings with the Digital Earth community after one year of project.

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Digital Earth goes Fashion

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Workshop on Observation Data QA/QC at FZ Jülich

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Podcast "Modellansatz": Digital Earth Member at KIT provides insights about global atmospheric modelling activities with respect to Methane

Jennifer Schröter and Christian Scharun from KIT got the invitation to talk on the podcast „Modellansatz“ of the Department of Mathematics of KIT.

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Digital Earth Members at the ENVRI Conference and Training School in Tromsø, Norway

From 28-31 January 2019 Viktoria Wichert (HZG) and Christian Scharun (KIT) participated in a training school and conference on Time Series Analysis in Tromso, Norway.

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Digital Earth Zwischenbericht 2018

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